Care > Kaitiaki & Volunteer Groups

Care > Kaitiaki & Volunteer Groups > Hurike
The Hurike neighbourhood came together in November 2016 to look after one of the few remaining saltmarsh habitats at Ōhiwa Harbour.
Work involves weed and pest control and native revegetation. Trapping and weed control is ongoing with planting days in autumn and winter. Birds in the area include Mātātā (Fernbird), Mohopereru (Banded rail) and a high population of Weka. Matuku (Australasian bittern) are occasionally seen.
The name Hurike came from a war party that turned to make a stand at the head of the inlet. The name was chosen as our goal is about turning to face the challenges of the modified environment here and make a stand through the conservation work we are doing.
Phone: 027 932 5380