~ Ngā Tāngata
Image: BOPRC
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Some of the earliest Polynesians coming to Aotearoa landed here at Ōhiwa Harbour! Over time the harbour became turangawaewae and taonga, paradise and home to many people.
For centuries people have lived and harvested food from Ōhiwa Harbour and its environs. It was an ideal location with a good climate, fertile soils and plenty of food. They are the descendants of Tairongo.
In the early 19th century Ōhiwa became an important port of call for trading and passenger ships. Both Māori and Pākēhā benefitted from the prosperous local economy.
This changed in the 1860s when the New Zealand Wars spilled over into the Eastern Bay of Plenty. All of the land around the harbour was confiscated. Prominent Māori leader Te Kooti made appearances at Ōhiwa.