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​Te Waimana

The federation of twelve hapū known as Te Waimana who are affiliated to Tūhoe are located some 27 kilometres due south of Ōhiwa Harbour on State Highway 2 in Waimana, and directly along the Tauranga River to Maungapōhatu Mountain. 


The people of Tairongo and Tamakaimoana (a rangatira, a chief, who lived at Maungapōhatu) developed a very good relationship between them. At certain times of the year would meet at a designated place where they would exchange preserved foods from their particular areas. One group would travel into the other group’s area to gather fresh items, however, they always informed the other group of their intentions. Middens of shellfish can be seen on ridges in Kererūtahi where the Tamakaimoana group would have stopped for meals on the return trip from Ōhiwa to Maungapōhatu. 


The current relationship of the people of Te Urewera with the harbour has not changed from the time of the ancient people to the present. The relationship and agreement between the people of Te Ūpokorehe and Te Waimana is maintained.

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