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Care > Kaitiaki & Volunteer Groups

Ōhiwa Reserves

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Care > Kaitiaki & Volunteer Groups > Ōhiwa Reserves

Initiated by Meg and Mike Collins in 2002 and active at Ōhiwa Spit, Ōhiwa Domain and Whangakopikopiko Island.


Trapping for rats, mustelids, hedgehogs and controlling rabbits, replanting rare kānuka on Whangakopikopiko, shorebird surveys.

The group's latest project is the restoration of a wetland at the entrance to the Ōhiwa Domain and Onekawa Te Mawhai Regional Park on Ōhiwa Harbour Road. The group’s main goal is to return the wetland back closer to what it once was, a habitat for birds such as banded rail and bittern, freshwater fish, tuna as well as frogs, geckos and weta.



Phone: 021 1807710

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